Formerly known as Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, CLD is diagnosed when an infant requires supplemental oxygen beyond 36 weeks corrected gestational age or 28 days of life.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia original

Common Questions

What causes CLD?

Most commonly, CLD is caused by positive pressure used to support very premature lungs. Immature lung tissue needs pressure to sustain inflation of the lung sacs, but this can result in inflammation and scarring resulting in a prolonged need for supplemental oxygen.

What is the treatment for CLD?

Time, nutrition and avoidance of infection are the mainstays of treatment. While new, healthy lung tissue develops infants are provided with the respiratory support as well as supplemental oxygen and steroids if necessary.

Do most babies with CLD survive?

Yes; most infants will continue to grow new, healthy lung tissue and wean off all respiratory equipment and medications.