Hirschsprung Disease
A congenital problem of abnormal nerve cells in the large intestine leading to blockage of the bowel.
Common Questions
How is Hirschsprung Disease identified and diagnosed?
Infants who pass very little or no stool in the first few days of life or have persistent vomiting are evaluated for abnormalities of the digestive tract. If a contrast study of the rectum and colon show abnormalities, a conclusive diagnosis is made by performing a rectal biopsy.
What is the treatment for Hirschsprung Disease?
Treatment requires surgery to remove the part of the bowel with abnormal nerve cells. Most babies have a temporary colostomy until the healthy bowel can be reconnected to the rectum.
Will my baby be able to breastfeed?
Most babies with Hirschsprung Disease are able to feed normally once recovered from surgery.